Sword Art Online Sword Art Online: Aincrad Sword Art Online: Fairy Dance Sword Art Online: Girls Ops Sword Art Online: Progressive Sword Art Online: Phantom Bullet Sword Art Online: Calibur Sword Art Online: Mother's Rosario Sword Art Online: Project Alicization Anime television series Directed by Tomohiko It Produced by Kazuma Miki Shinichir Kashiwada Music by Yuki Kajiura. Ba light novel Sword Art Online tp 1 vi Kirito (bn tri) v Asuna (bn phi) . Sword Art Online; (Sdo to Onrain)Capa do primeiro volume da light novel mostrando os personagens Kirito (esquerda) e Asuna (direita). : Gnero: Ao, Aventura, Fantasia cientfica, Drama, Romance Free 58 businessday shipping within the U. when you order 25 of eligible items sold or fulfilled by Amazon. Sword Art Online is a science fantasy anime series adapted from the light novel series of the same title written by Reki Kawahara and illustrated by Abec. It was produced by A1 Pictures, Genco, and the SAO Project, and directed by Tomohiko It. It is divided into the Aincrad and Fairy Dance arcs. The story of the first season follows the adventures of Kazuto Kirito Kirigaya and Asuna. In the near future, a Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Game (VRMMORPG) called Sword Art Online has been released where players control their avatars with their bodies using. Sword Art Online 1: Aincrad [Reki Kawahara on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Read the novel that ignited the phenomenon! In the year 2022, gamers rejoice as Sword Art Online a VRMMORPG (Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) like no other debuts July 4 BETRAYAL OF COMRADES, THE SECOND DLC FOR SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET AVAILABLE The DLC 2 Betrayal of Comrades for SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET is now available for PC Digital via STEAM Sword Art Online (jap. Sdo to Onrain) japoska seria powieci ilustrowanych autorstwa Rekiego Kawahary z ilustracjami abec. Na podstawie powieci powstay manga, anime i gra wideo. Seria light novel jest wydawana przez ASCII Media Works, a pierwszy tom ukaza si 10 kwietnia 2009 roku. Anime, ktre powstao na podstawie powieci, zostao. In the world of guns and steel that is Gun Gale Online, LLENN has been a devoted, female solo player. She is obsessed with two things: donning herself entirely in pink and honing her skills with. Looking for information on the anime Sword Art Online? Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. In the year 2022, virtual reality has progressed by leaps and bounds, and a massive online roleplaying game called Sword Art Online (SAO) is launched. With the aid of NerveGear technology, players can control their avatars within. Sword Art Online (, Sdo to onrain? ) est un light novel crit par Reki Kawahara, galement auteur du light novel Accel World, et illustr par Abec. Depuis avril 2009, vingt volumes ont t publis par ASCII Media Works. La version franaise est dite par Ofelbe depuis mars 2015. Il a t adapt en plusieurs mangas mais aussi en srie. Sword Art Online Manga sind die Manga Adaptation der originalen Sword Art Online Light Novel Serie von Kawahara Reki. Es gibt mehrere Manga Adaptionen der Serie mit verschiedenen Illustratoren: Derzeit gibt es vier Manga, die der Haupthandlung Aincrad (Illustrator: Nakamura Tamako), Fairy. Sword Art Online; (Sdo to Onrain)Copertina del primo volume dell'edizione italiana, raffigurante Kirito e Asuna Sword Art Online ( Sdo to Onrain) adalah seri novel ringan Jepang yang ditulis oleh Reki Kawahara dan diilustrasikan oleh ABEC. Serial ini berlangsung pada masa depan yang dekat dan berfokus pada berbagai dunia permainan virtual reality MMORPG. Sword Art Online mulai diterbitkan pada label ASCII Media Works Dengeki Bunko sejak 10 April 2009, dengan. Questa la lista degli episodi della seconda stagione della serie anime Sword Art Online, adattata dai volumi 5 e 6 (Phantom Bullet), 7 (Mother's Rosario) e 8 (Calibur) dell'omonima serie di light novel di Reki Kawahara. Dopo aver messo fine all'incidente di SAO nel 2024 e aver salvato Asuna in Alfheim Online (ALO), Kazuto Kirigaya ritorna nel mondo reale per riprendere la sua vita normale. Aincrad (, Ainkuraddo) is the 1 book in the Sword Art Online Light Novel series, published on April 10, 2009 in Japan. A solo player named Kirito, who had the luckofthedraw to once play the beta version of the first VRMMORPG, Sword Art Online The Sword Art Online anime is an anime adaptation of the original Sword Art Online light novel series, written by Kawahara Reki. The anime is produced by A1 Pictures, with the direction of Itou Tomohiko (season 1, Extra Edition, season 2, Ordinal Scale) and Ono Manabe (season 3). The first