Commodore 64 C64 database graphic text sound and tools software for free download at nogames Il software per Commodore 64 fu una vastissima libreria di software di circa 10 000 titoli commerciali, comparabile per diffusione all'Apple II. Online shopping for Video Games from a great selection of Games, Accessories, Consoles, Computer And Console Video Game Products more at everyday low prices. De Commodore 64, ook C64 of CBM64, is een bekende 8 bit homecomputer van Commodore. Het model werd gentroduceerd in januari 1982. De homecomputer heeft een vermelding in het Guinness Book of Records als de bestverkochte computer ooit, met een geschatte aantal tussen de 10 en 17 miljoen verkochte exemplaren. Il Commodore 64 (abbreviazioni diffuse: C64, C64) un home computer della Commodore Business Machines Inc. commercializzato dal 1982 al 1994. Fu immesso sul mercato due anni dopo il Commodore VIC20, con capacit di memoria, grafiche e sonore superiori rispetto a quest'ultimo, oltre una buona compatibilit software ed hardware. La macchina venne venduta sino al fallimento della. This category contains computer games made for, or ported to, the Commodore 64 1980svintage 8bit home computer. This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total. Giochi italiani per Commodore 64, programmi rari, scansioni libri, manuali, recensioni, articoli e interviste. O Commodore 64 (comumente denominado de C64) foi um computador domstico lanado pela Commodore em agosto de 1982 e produzido at abril de 1994. Estimase que foram comercializados entre 17 a 22 milhes de unidades, um nmero surpreendente que at hoje no foi batido por qualquer outro modelo nico de computador. The source for all Your Commodore 64 Gaming needs. Here you will find all the C64 classics, plus a lot of rare games not available anywhere else on the internet. Lemon has more than 4000 games available. This is a list of games for the Commodore 64 personal computer system, sorted alphabetically. See Lists of video games for other platforms. Because of the length of the list, it has been broken down to two parts: List of Commodore 64 games (AM) 1300 titles List of Commodore 64 games (NZ). Commodore 64 1982 By Commodore International, Ltd. Although it looks like an unimpessive keyboardlike box, the Commodore 64 was incredibly popular. More C64s have been sold than any other single computer system, even to this day. Things have been progressing well with my Commodore 64 platform game since part two, and I have now put together a trailer showing the first two areas of the game. Before I begin retelling my joyous experiences of learning C64 sprite multiplexing, Id like to show a couple of screenshots that show. This site is an archive of Commodore 64 games. You can either browse the game index or use the faster search function to find your game. If you don't have an emulator yet to play those games, check out the emulators page or find links to related websites. Like or dislike games, write or reply to comments. Play all the best games made for Commodore 64 free and online at SuperRetro. Computerbrains was founded in 1983, and we have been active in the scene since then. Commodore 64, ; Amiga, ; Computerbrains are probably most remembered for the large amount of quality game cracks that we released, but do remember that we also have released quite a lot of selfmade useful stuff. Le Commodore 64 utilise un microprocesseur 8 bits 6510 (un driv proche du 6502 qui a la possibilit de grer des banques de mmoires en les amenant la demande dans l'espace d'adressage du processeur) et dispose de 64 kilooctets de mmoire vive. Au RoyaumeUni, il a rivalis en popularit avec le ZX Spectrum et a tir bnfice d'un clavier de taille normale et de. Home Commodore Computer Products Commodore 64 The Best Selling Computer In History. ca May 19, 2003 Revised June 2, 2007 Gallery Updated Nov 29, 2010 Commodore 64 The# 1 source for video game sprites on the internet. I find it absolutely incredible that the Commodore 64 development scene is alive and well. Thanks to companies like Psytronik there is still a healthy stream of games arriving on the C64 25 years after I first got my machine in 1990. I was fairly late to the Commodore party, having had my first 8. In case you missed it, last September Retro Games announced it was going to put out a mini version of 1982's Commodore 64 called the TheC64 Mini. COM is a C64 site dedicated to just about everything that is connected to the Commodore 64 (C64). Get your favourite games and demos here. Welcome to our latest new user BroneCk! (Registered ) You are not logged in NOT EMULATION This is a real Commodore 64 on a chip! MODDER FRIENDLY Online modding guides can show tinkerers how to convert into a Commodore 64 NOT locked into the built in games even add a keyboard. Latest news buzz about Commodore64 scene. New releases (demos, sids, games), competitions, parties, photos and general scene life.