One of a cluster of late1970s films about the Vietnam War, Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now adapts the Joseph Conrad novella Heart of Darkness to depict the war as. An early title Milius had for the movie was The Psychedelic Soldier, but it was soon changed to the moniker it is today. Milius got the label by putting a contrarian spin on Nirvana Now, a. Apocalypse Now Redux un film del 2001 diretto da Francis Ford Coppola, liberamente ispirato al romanzo di Joseph Conrad Cuore di tenebra. interpretato, fra gli altri, da Martin Sheen, Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Laurence Fishburne, Dennis Hopper e Harrison Ford. Si tratta della versione restaurata e allungata (47 minuti in pi) del celeberrimo Apocalypse Now (1979), con un nuovo. Apocalypse Now The 1979 Cut and Apocalypse Now Redux are presented for the first time in HiDef! New 1080p transfers supervised by Francis Ford Coppola first time ever in original theatrical aspect ratio (2. 35: 1) in home entertainment release. Apocalypse Now (1979) is producerdirector Francis Ford Coppola's visually beautiful, groundbreaking masterpiece with surrealistic and symbolic sequences detailing the confusion, violence, fear, and nightmarish madness of the Vietnam War. Coppola had already become a noted producerdirector. Una pelcula dirigida por Francis Ford Coppola con Martin Sheen, Frederic Forrest, Robert Duvall, Albert Hall. Yo quera una misin y por mis pecados me dieron una. Apocalypse Now is a 1979 American epic war film directed, produced, and cowritten by Francis Ford Coppola. It stars Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen, Frederic Forrest, Albert Hall, Sam Bottoms, Laurence Fishburne, and Dennis Hopper. The screenplay, cowritten by Coppola and John Milius (who received an Oscar nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay) and featuring narration. Apocalypse Now est un film amricain ralis par Francis Ford Coppola, sorti en 1979. Ce film est une adaptation libre de la nouvelle de Joseph Conrad, Au cur des tnbres (Heart of Darkness), parue en 1899. Il a obtenu, entre autres distinctions, la Palme d'or du Festival de Cannes en 1979. Un nouveau montage du film est sorti en 2001 sous le titre Apocalypse Now Redux. com: Apocalypse Now: Sam Bottoms, Marlon Brando, Bo Byers, Colleen Camp, Robert Duvall, Laurence Fishburne, Harrison Ford, Frederic Forrest, Scott Glenn. Apocalypse Now Redux is a 2001 extended version of Francis Ford Coppola's epic war film Apocalypse Now, which was originally released in 1979. Coppola, along with editorlongtime collaborator Walter Murch, added 49 minutes of material that had been removed from the original film. It represents a significant reedit of the original version. Francis Ford Coppola apresenta a verso reeditada de seu filme, lanado originalmente em 1979 e considerado por muitos sua obraprima. O filme foi reeditado a partir Apocalypse Now un film del 1979 diretto da Francis Ford Coppola, interpretato fra gli altri da Martin Sheen, Marlon Brando e Robert Duvall, liberamente ispirato al romanzo di Joseph Conrad Cuore di tenebra, vincitore della Palma d'oro al 32 Festival di Cannes e di due premi Oscar nel 1980 per la migliore fotografia (a Vittorio Storaro) e per il miglior sonoro (a Walter Murch). Directed by Francis Ford Coppola. With Martin Sheen, Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Frederic Forrest. During the Vietnam War, Captain Willard is sent on a dangerous mission into Cambodia to assassinate a renegade Colonel who has set himself up as a god among a local tribe. Um filme de Francis Ford Coppola com Martin Sheen, Frederic Forrest, Robert Duvall, Albert Hall. O Capito Willard (Martin Sheen) recebe a misso de encontrar e matar o comandante das Foras. The World's Greatest Critic Reviews Apocalypse Now review Apocalypse Now Redux. Apocalypse Now est un film ralis par Francis Ford Coppola avec Martin Sheen, Frederic Forrest. Synopsis: Clotr dans une chambre d'htel de Sagon, le jeune capitaine Willard, mal ras. Apocalypse Now um filme pico de guerra norteamericano de 1979 dirigido por Francis Ford Coppola e escrito por John Milius. Estrelado por Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall e Martin Sheen, o enredo sobre a Guerra do Vietn segue a histria de seu personagem central, o oficial das Operaes Especiais do Exrcito dos Estados Unidos Capito Benjamin Willard, do Comando de Assistncia Militar. Apocalypse Now [pklps na (englisch fr etwa Apokalypse jetzt oder Weltuntergang jetzt) ist ein Antikriegsfilm des Regisseurs Francis Ford Coppola aus dem Jahr 1979, dessen Handlung whrend des Vietnamkriegs spielt. Er basiert auf einer freien Interpretation von Joseph Conrads Erzhlung Heart of Darkness Herz der Finsternis sowie auf Michael Herrs Vietnamkriegs. Francis Ford Coppola est un ralisateur, producteur et scnariste amricain n le 7 avril 1939 Dtroit. Il a t rcompens cinq fois aux Oscars et a remport deux fois la Palme d'or au Festival de Cannes. En dehors du monde du spectacle, Coppola est aussi vigneron, diteur de magazine et htelier. Il est titulaire d'un diplme de l'Universit Hofstra o il a tudi le. Apocalypse Now es una pelcula dirigida por Francis Ford Coppola con Martin Sheen, Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Frederic Forrest, . Ttulo original: Apocalypse Now. Sinopsis: Durante la guerra de Vietnam, al joven Capitn Willard, un oficial de los servicios de inteligencia del ejrcito estadounidense, se le ha encomendado entrar en Camboya con la peligrosa misin de